Monday, July 14, 2008

Living In The Information Age...Sometimes I Think It Can Be Too Much To Deal With

Let me explain, let me explain! Sometimes information is too accessible and we all know that some information is not meant to spread across bandwith, you know what I am sayin'?

On some levels, I think the internet has been wonderful. Any possible thing that you could possibly need, desire, inquire, learn about, read, listen to, or watch can be found with just a few clicks. Any news that occurs in the world, can be found instantly on the internet. But on the same token, do you think it makes corporations, entertainers, officials, members of government wide open for anything? Anyone can just go online, "google", and find these people contact information in minutes. In this microwave society, fast and right now, sometimes I think we need to sit back and think about how far the internet has come. And the funny part, this thing called internet is always changing. Now, that it is here, could you imagine your life without it?

Having said that, do you remember still how to sit at your desk with old fashioned stationery and write a letter and use the United State Postal Service to communicate with someone? How about actually going to a library and using the card catalog and the Dewey Decimal System to conduct some research? And finally, my 30+ readers are going to get me for this one, but how about asking the librarian for some microfiche to read old articles for research purposes? LOL. These ideas are quite extinct now, but goes to show you how far technology has come.

So can you deal the information age?

1 comment:

QuietStorm said...

I dont remembr the last time I wrote a letter....mayb several yrs ago? Geez mayb more lol.

I will agree it'd be nice to receive a written lettr cuz u kno the person took time to do it.

I prefer online reasearch..dont like usin books hehe.