Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gas Prices.....Old Friends...

What's going on people? I just have a question, are gas prices affecting you the way they are affecting me? Do you have to reconfigure your budget these days just to make sure you have enough to fill your tank? Do you see yourself looking at your gas gauge more these days and find yourself pointing at it, cursing at it, and saying to yourself" I just filled up this damn thing!!" I don't know about you but it seems to me that once your gas tank hits the half way point, the gas burns twice as fast lol!!! As the price of barrels of oil are at record prices, there is no relief in sight. Analysts are thinking that $4/gallon for gasoline is very much feasible. They wonder why consumer confidence/spending is down.....hmmm how about the fact we are trying to save our damn gas? When I first got my car it was $11 to fill my tank, today try like $32. It is out of control. Hopefully, within the next couple of years, we can find an alternate fuel source so we will not be solely reliant on oil. What do you think?

How do you know when you got great friends? How about the fact when you can have a friend that may have moved away, or just lost contact with but by happenstance, you guys get reconnected, and you pick right back up like nothing had changed. That's a good sign that you have a good,true friend on your hands and cherish that. Good friendship is hard to find, because you can't make it out in this crazy world alone, so I challenge you to call some of your best friends, and tell them "Thank You For Being A Friend!"

Coming Up: The Single Life......Signs

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