Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yes We Can

Well, I guess that its official. Hilary has conceded from the race and Barack Obama will take the Democratic nomination. I am going to tell my age, but I do remember when Jesse Jackson ran for president but I just don't think it was of this magnitude. Never in a million years, could I imagine in my lifetime to seeing an African American having a legitimate chance to run this country.

What are your thoughts? I am pulling for Barack but man to man, whether it is Barack or McCain, it is going to be a tough, uphill battle for the future president. Our fearless leader has put his precedessor in such a wonderful position its going to be quite interesting how the next president reacts to the pressure. On every imaginable level, the country is in shambles and we need change, so with Barack Obama, yes we can turn this whole thing around. Yes we can!! Good luck my brother!


QuietStorm said...

Evn tho I was rootin for Hil...Congrats to Obama! He's the 1st blak man who has really ever had a chance to be president lol. I'm interested who he picks to be his runnin mate..I dont think it wil be Hil tho I kno she wants it. If Obama does win the presidency he shol has alotta sh!t to clean up...but I think he is capable of making a positive change in our country!

Vee said...

obama all the way!!!