Saturday, March 8, 2008

Your First Reaction....Right??

Good Morning! I have a question for you out there: isn't it true that your first, initial reaction most times than none, the person's most honest reaction? Allow me to give you an example please: what reaction would you ingest if you told a very, very close friend some quite newsworthy information and what you got was.......utter silence? However, as the news sinked in to that person, maybe 10-15 minutes later the secondary reaction quite complimentary, and wordy but like as I stated it was 15 minutes later. Which reaction would you deem to have more prudence? For me personally, the first reaction is the real reaction.

Well, this person feels that I don't understand that he/she was "shocked" during that initial reaction period and I need to take that into consideration. I can understand/respect that but ummmmm ummmmm no I am STILL going with that first reaction lol! This friend is tight with me and knows how I roll, so "shocked" is an invalid reaction....

Anyways, who is right in this debate me or my friend? I hope you all have a great weekend!

Coming up: The Gym!

1 comment:

QuietStorm said...

I agree sumwhat that the 1st reaction tends to be the most honest buuuuut that may not always be the case. The person mite have truly been at a lost for words..for whatever reason. Or they were shocked & it took them 15 min to think of sumthin good. LOL! I guess I didnt really answer this question..but I can undrstand both sides.